Vision Statement
The Pennsylvania Hemp Industry Council envisions a thriving agricultural landscape in Pennsylvania where industrial hemp is widely adopted as a rotational crop by farmers, creating job opportunities and a bio-based economy. By fostering collaboration and providing access to information and resources, we aim to make Pennsylvania a leader in the national and global hemp industry. Together, we will work towards creating a sustainable future that benefits farmers, rural communities, and the environment.
Mission Statement
The Pennsylvania Hemp Industry Council is dedicated to revitalizing the Pennsylvania agricultural landscape through the widespread adoption of Industrial Hemp as a rotational crop. We strive to create a vibrant and collaborative community that benefits farmers, rural communities, the environment, and the state as a whole. Our aim is to build a thriving, bio-based economy that provides solutions to real-world problems, creates good paying jobs, and establishes Pennsylvania as a leader in the Industrial Hemp industry. We will achieve this by providing support for cultivation, processing, and use of industrial hemp and its products, collecting and publishing industry data, promoting collaboration and information exchange between our members, and representing the industry to key stakeholders. Our mission is to empower our members and the public with reliable information, to drive growth and development in the industry, and to build a future where hemp and its products can proudly be labeled “100% Made in the USA”.
To accomplish these goals PAHIC will:
- Support all aspects of hemp industry and its products.
- Promote investment in the PA hemp industry.
- Provide current and accurate informationt to farmers and business looking to establish hemp operations.
- Establish a regular exchange of information between its members and to co-operate with other organizations and associations.
- Support communication between the Membership and Industry concerning PA and USA-policy.
- Provide PA policymakers, the media and the public with current and reliable information, to develop and advocate for changes to laws, regulations, standards and guidelines.